WAPHC goes to see Jimmy at Nissan Pavilion Manassas VA, June 10 & 12 1999

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Sam and his infamous pink flamingo

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Some members of the WAPHC gather for a group photo

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Getting ready to be on TV!

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Arch Campbell of NBC Channel 4 in DC relaxes with a parrot on his shoulder

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Kenny meets Arch

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Rock is promoting the club (as always) to Arch

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Stu has a permanent (not really) reminder of a temporary feeling

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Anne's got a parrot on her infamous Alabaster

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Sam looks happy to meet Arch

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Boobs in paradise!!! I like mine with....

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It wouldn't be a Buffett concert without Anne's jello shooters

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A cooler/grill

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I am a cop and you will respect my authoritie!!! Follow the arrow and you can see the fins on the helmets of Nissan's finest

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Anne kept food in our stomachs to soak up the brewskis

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Kenny with his Sperryville contingent

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Sam is administering his flamingo concoction to Alice